Where is a good place to get wisdom teeth removed in Hanoi?

Wisdom teeth often cause inconvenience when they continuously cause prolonged pain, making it difficult for you to eat and sleep. The dentist advises you to have your wisdom teeth extracted. It only takes a few days to recover and return to normal. So, where is the best place to have wisdom teeth extracted in Hanoi?

Why Do We Need to Extract Wisdom Teeth?

The harmful effects of a misaligned wisdom tooth

Wisdom teeth are the third molars, located at the very back of the mouth, also known as the eighth teeth.

Wisdom teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25 or are detected during X-ray examinations.

Most people need to extract wisdom teeth for one of the following reasons:

– Wisdom teeth can affect daily activities and quality of life. They can become trapped in the jawbone or gum tissue, causing infection and pain.

– Wisdom teeth can grow at an incorrect angle, putting pressure on other teeth and causing damage.

– There is not enough space in the jaw for the wisdom teeth to fully emerge, making them unnecessary teeth.

– Wisdom teeth can develop cavities or be covered by gum tissue. It is difficult to reach and clean wisdom teeth with a toothbrush or regular dental care due to their deep position in the mouth.

Things to know before wisdom tooth extraction in Hanoi

Before wisdom tooth extraction:

You need to see a dentist for an examination, check-up, and X-ray to determine the misalignment of the wisdom tooth in your mouth. During this visit, you should inform the dentist about the following issues:
Overall health, any chronic diseases you are currently experiencing (heart disease, diabetes, etc.),
– List the types of medication you regularly use to treat the above-mentioned diseases.
– Ask any questions you have about the wisdom tooth extraction surgery.
– Discuss the type of anesthesia if you have any allergies to previous surgeries.
– Plan to take time off work or school for the wisdom tooth extraction and rest for the entire day.

The process of wisdom tooth extraction:

  • The surgery for wisdom tooth extraction will take about 20–30 minutes or less, depending on the degree of impaction of the wisdom tooth.
  •  The dentist will numb the tooth before extraction to ensure a painless procedure. Typically, local anesthesia is sufficient for wisdom tooth extraction. The dentist will numb the tooth using a local anesthetic such as novocaine, lidocaine, or mepivicaine.
  • After the tooth and gum have been numbed, the dentist will cut the gum or bone to remove the tooth if it is impacted.
  •  The wisdom tooth may be divided into multiple parts for easier removal.
  •  Finally, the dentist will suture the wound to promote faster healing. These sutures usually dissolve on their own after a few days without the need for removal. Bite on a gauze pad to absorb some oozing blood for about 30 minutes.

After wisdom tooth extraction:
– Wisdom tooth extraction only requires local anesthesia, and you will feel awake, so you can drive home without needing to stay in the hospital.
– Wisdom tooth extraction is not too heavy, so you can even return to work or carry out your daily activities. However, you should rest if possible.
– Most people usually have little or no pain after taking the prescribed pain medication.
– You may experience mild swelling and discomfort on the cheek for about 3 days, and it may take a few weeks to fully heal.
– Follow the doctor’s instructions below for a faster recovery.

Below is some advice for the first 3 days after surgery:
Things to do:
Use an ice pack on the outside of your face to reduce swelling or bruising.
Apply warm compresses after 3 days to reduce jaw pain.
Gently open and close your mouth to exercise your jaw muscles.
Eat soft foods such as noodles, rice, or soup.
Drink plenty of water and take medication as prescribed by your doctor.
Brush your teeth normally, and gently brush the adjacent teeth starting the next day. Do not touch the surgical site, as it may dislodge the blood clot and cause bleeding to resume.
Use the prescribed medication to reduce pain or swelling.
Call your doctor if you have a fever or if the pain or swelling increases after 3 days without improvement.
Things not to do:
Do not drink through a straw. The suction pressure can dislodge the blood clot in the socket and cause bleeding to resume.
Do not rinse your mouth too forcefully. Your doctor may recommend gentle rinsing with a saline solution after bleeding.
Do not eat hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that can scratch your surgical site.
Limited smoking. Smoking can slow down the healing and recovery process.

Where is a good place to get wisdom teeth removed in Hanoi?

Alisa Dental Clinic will provide you with some criteria for choosing a good dental clinic in Hanoi for wisdom teeth removal.
The dental clinic has a team of skilled doctors specializing in surgical and wisdom teeth extraction procedures.
It is licensed by the Ministry of Health, equipped with all necessary machinery, and follows safe wisdom teeth removal procedures.
The surgical instruments are sterile and personalized for each customer.
It is highly regarded by many customers for the quality of service in Hanoi.
Although wisdom teeth removal is a basic service offered by all dental clinics, not all clinics can perform it well. Therefore, besides considering the cost of wisdom teeth removal in Hanoi, you should also pay attention to choosing a doctor with good expertise and skills to avoid any unnecessary risks during the procedure.
If the doctor lacks expertise and experience in handling various situations, it may lead to complications such as adjacent tooth fracture, infection, excessive jawbone loss due to excessive exposure of the wisdom teeth, or even jawbone fracture due to excessive force during the extraction.

The wisdom tooth extraction is directly performed by Dr. Alisa’s team.
Alisa Dental Clinic, a reputable place for wisdom teeth removal, with its experience and reputation, will be a reliable destination for you. We will provide basic information about wisdom teeth removal services nationwide and offer advice on wisdom teeth removal in Hanoi.


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