Price list for dental implant placement in Hanoi

Implant tooth replacement cost in Hanoi is a matter of great interest to many folks. Implanting teeth is currently the most effective method for restoring lost teeth. However, the prices of different types of implant posts vary among dental clinics. Therefore, through this article, Alisa Dental explores the prices of dental implant in Hanoi, offering the latest deals for customers. Let’s dive in and learn more!

The structure of a dental implant post
The structure of a dental implant post

The price list for dental implants in Hanoi

The price of dental implants in Hanoi is of great interest to many customers. Alisa Dental provides the following service price list. The complete price list includes 01 Implant post + Abutment + 01 Titanium ceramic tooth accompanying each Implant from different manufacturers. It does not include the cost of bone grafting (if needed). Additionally, Alisa Dental currently offers a discount program for 4 types of Implant posts: Yes Biotech, Biotem SLA, Adin Implant, and Hiossen Active,…

However, you can avail of upto 50% discount when you book an appointment online: Chat online on Messenger

How to calculate the price of a single dental implant procedure

Below are two hypothetical scenarios provided for easy visualization and cost estimation of dental implant procedures. Specifically, in these scenarios, one case involves using a combo based on the service price list, while the other case includes a need for different ceramic veneers.

Scenario 1: You and your friends opt for Biotem SLA 21 Implant posts without choosing different ceramic veneers. The cost of implanting 1 tooth will be 12,000,000 VND. However, Alisa Dental currently offers a discount, reducing the price for Biotem SLA 21 Implant posts to only 7,200,000 VND per tooth.

Scenario 2: You and your friends also select the Biotem SLA 21 Implant posts. However, if you opt for Venus ceramic veneers, the cost for implanting 1 tooth will be calculated as follows: 12,000,000 VND (Implant) + 5,000,000 VND (Venus veneer) = 17,000,000 VND per tooth. Nevertheless, Alisa Dental has a discount program for Dentium Implant posts, reducing the cost to 7,200,000 VND (Implant) + 5,000,000 VND (Venus veneer) = 12,200,000 VND per tooth.

These scenarios assume good oral health conditions for you and your friends, meeting the necessary criteria for implantation.

However, in cases where bone grafting is required due to long-term tooth loss leading to bone resorption, sinus lifting, or deep dental issues, additional costs for treating oral conditions will be incurred

Why do the costs of dental implant in Hanoi procedures vary?

The pricing for a single dental implant procedure typically includes several components such as the cost of the implant itself, the abutment (connector), the dental crown (artificial tooth), and any additional procedures if needed, like bone grafting or imaging.

The total cost for a single dental implant procedure can vary widely depending on various factors such as:

  1. Implant Type: Different brands and materials for implants have varying costs.
  2. Abutment: The connector piece between the implant and the crown.
  3. Dental Crown: The material and type of crown chosen.
  4. Additional Procedures: If bone grafting, imaging, or other treatments are necessary.

Generally, the cost calculation involves adding the price of the implant, abutment, and crown together. However, additional procedures or specific materials chosen might add to the total cost.

It’s essential to consult with a dental professional or clinic to get an accurate estimate based on your specific dental needs and the type of implant and materials you prefer

The dental implant process in Hanoi

The dental implant process typically involves several steps:

The dental implant process in Hanoi
The dental implant process in Hanoi
  1. Initial Consultation: The process starts with an assessment where the dentist evaluates your oral health, takes X-rays, and discusses treatment options.
  2. Treatment Planning: A customized treatment plan is developed based on the assessment. This includes determining the type of implant, any necessary additional procedures (like bone grafting), and the timeline.
  3. Implant Placement: During surgery, the implant, usually made of titanium, is placed into the jawbone in the space left by the missing tooth. Over time, the bone fuses with the implant, providing a stable foundation.
  4. Healing Period: This phase, known as osseointegration, takes several months, allowing the implant to bond securely with the jawbone.
  5. Abutment Placement: Once the implant has integrated with the bone, a small connector called an abutment is attached to the implant. This piece serves as a link between the implant and the artificial tooth.
  6. Crown Placement: Finally, a custom-made dental crown, designed to match your natural teeth, is fixed onto the abutment. The crown completes the restoration, providing a functional and aesthetically pleasing replacement tooth.
  7. Follow-up Visits: After the procedure, regular follow-up visits are essential for the dentist to monitor healing and ensure the implant is functioning correctly.

Each stage is crucial for the success of the implant procedure, providing a reliable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring dental function.

Read more: Niềng răng Hà Nội

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