Should wisdom teeth be extracted or not? Discussing with Dr. Alisa.

Should wisdom teeth be extracted?” is a question many people wonder about when it comes to oral health. The presence of wisdom teeth can cause a lot of trouble for patients. Pain and adjacent teeth are why many people must consider extracting wisdom teeth. However, is extracting wisdom teeth a wise decision? Right after this, let’s analyze in detail with Dr. Alisa this question so that you can make the most appropriate decision. Take advantage of the article!

Image of the patient after wisdom teeth extraction

Should wisdom teeth be extracted or not?

Wisdom teeth, also known as the 8th teeth, usually only grow in adulthood. Should wisdom teeth be extracted or not? According to dentists at Alisa Dental Clinic, depending on the case, some cases do not require wisdom tooth extraction, while in other cases, it is better to extract wisdom teeth as early as possible.

  1. Cases where wisdom teeth do not need to be extracted

    In some cases, wisdom teeth do not need to be extracted; those are cases in which the presence of wisdom teeth does not cause any oral health issues. Specifically, here are some cases like that:

    – Wisdom teeth grow fully and straight with other teeth.
    – Wisdom teeth can be effectively cleaned without any issues of food debris accumulation or plaque.
    – Wisdom teeth do not cause pain or any other issues in daily activities.
    – Wisdom teeth do not cause gum inflammation and other dental diseases.
    – Wisdom teeth do not affect the dental structure (do not alter the bite or exert pressure on the dental structure).

    Although extraction is not necessary, wisdom teeth in the above cases still need regular monitoring at reputable dental clinics. This is to ensure that the condition of wisdom teeth does not change over time and does not develop any subsequent issues.

  2. Cases where wisdom teeth should be extracted

    – Misaligned or impacted wisdom teeth: Wisdom teeth growing in a crooked direction or under the gumline can exert pressure on adjacent teeth, causing pain and various other issues in daily activities.
    – Insufficient space for wisdom teeth, causing crowding of adjacent teeth and leading to bite problems.
    – Wisdom teeth are causing uncontrollable pain.
    – Ineffective cleaning of wisdom teeth, leading to issues with food debris or plaque accumulation.
    – Wisdom teeth cause gum inflammation and other dental diseases.
    – Wisdom teeth affect the structure of the jawbone.

Before deciding to extract wisdom teeth, you should visit reputable dental clinics for examinations and X-rays. This allows the dentist to accurately assess the condition of your wisdom teeth and provide the most appropriate advice for you.


Is wisdom tooth extraction dangerous? Potential issues?

Wisdom tooth extraction is a common and usually safe dental surgery. However, like any other surgery, it also carries some potential issues, especially if the wisdom teeth are impacted or in complex positions. Here are some issues that may occur during wisdom tooth extraction:
– Pain and swelling: This is a common condition after wisdom tooth extraction. Pain and swelling usually last for a few days and can be effectively controlled with pain medication and home care measures.
– Bleeding: Bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction is also a common condition.
– Dry socket: Dry socket is one of the most common complications after wisdom tooth extraction. It occurs when the blood clot at the extraction site fails to form or is dislodged too early, exposing the bone and nerves, causing severe pain.
– Infection: Infection can occur if bacteria invade the extraction site.
– Nerve damage: Although rare, in some cases, wisdom tooth extraction can cause temporary or permanent nerve damage, resulting in temporary or permanent numbness in the lips, tongue, or cheeks.

In addition to the above issues, there are some that are inevitable, such as pain, swelling, or bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction. To make them disappear quickly, the most important thing is that you must follow the instructions for oral care after wisdom tooth extraction and strictly adhere to the follow-up appointments with the dentist. The oral care instructions may include:
– Using a cold compress placed on the outside of the surgical area to reduce swelling and pain;
– Using pain relievers;
– Avoiding vigorous rinsing or using a straw in the first few days after wisdom tooth extraction;
– Avoiding cleaning the extraction site with a toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, or mouthwash within 24 hours after wisdom tooth extraction to avoid affecting the blood clot;
– Avoid chewing on the side where the wisdom tooth was just extracted. Eat soft foods; avoid spicy, hot, or cold foods;
For the remaining issues, you can also limit them by carefully choosing a dental clinic for wisdom tooth extraction. A reputable dental clinic, with a team of highly specialized doctors rich in experience and owning a system of modern and advanced medical equipment… can ensure your oral health and overall health after wisdom tooth extraction.

Image of the customer at Alisa Dental Clinic

After wisdom tooth extraction, if you have any health concerns, contact your dentist as soon as possible for timely support.
The decision “whether to extract wisdom teeth or not” depends on many different factors, including the current oral health status and the benefits as well as risks associated with the wisdom tooth extraction procedure. To make the best decision, you should consult with a dentist, who can assess your specific condition and provide professional advice. Finally, regardless of the decision, the most important thing is that you must ensure that all dental interventions are aimed at improving and protecting your oral health.

For any inquiries about our services, please call: 0921.617.555 or come directly to Alisa Dental Clinic for specific advice on wisdom tooth extraction.

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